Plasma Pen
As we age, the dermal layer thins, less collagen is produced, the elastin fibres which provide our elasticity wear out and all these changes in the scaffolding of the skin cause it to wrinkle and sag. In simple terms – our skin loses laxity & texture as we grow older. It becomes loose, it sags and lines & wrinkles appear. Think of it like the scaffolding of a building – when it begins to rust, weaken and become unable to bear loads or maintain flexibility then it will eventually sag and collapse.
Plasma Pen and our pioneering blepharoplasty, sublimation and soft-surgery fibroblasting technique is designed to help dramatically repair, reverse & mitigate all these effects using stateof- the-art technology, proven science, sophisticated technique, best practice training of our Elite Technicians and the pre and post treatment care.